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.Saturday, January 24, 2009 ' 7:20 AM
Sotong and Fish??

O_o, today is a.. tiring day =x lol

Well, first things first, had to wake up early to go meet kim at woodlands for some prenewyear stuff like cutting hair and shopping before having lunch. =x
Cut hair at some 10dollars ezcut place =.= it was, ok ok la.. haha just that the hairdresser was annoyed at me i think >_<
Cos initially i din wanna cut so short, so i told him to juz cut short and leave a fringe, but den he really nvr cut much and stopped le, den i told him to cut shorter, den still its not short enough, den in the end he say next time just say cut high slope la! den he continue cutting until its a bit ok, but he nvr really touched the hair at the back of my head so its like i got some long hair at the back of my head =x

after that, kim and i had KFC for lunch! =p Zinger Meal!! STUDENT MEAL!! whee.. those ppl that know me should know i love meaty stuff as compared to veggie, so.. haha.. i was happy with the burger.. the chicken was big =p(btw, dun ever buy kfc from crowded places like jurong point =x the pieces dey give u are super small.. must buy from woodlands.. its BIG =p but make sure u specify that you dun wan wing or drumstick or ur stuck with a small piece =x)

den, we shall skip till we met the rest of the people at City Hall Mrt before heading to peninzula plaza to buy Skates for our fren Shun Fa, cos its his 21st bday coming up and he wanted skates so we had to bring him along to go try the skates =x well, as i was the only guy other than the Bday boy =.= ended up lugging the heavy skates around suntec city while we shopped for the rest of the stuff that we are going to use to deco the place where his bday celeb is held at =x

oh ya! after shopping at carrefour in suntec city, we went to the basement one, a shop called JustNoodles. The meals there arent that expensive and it comes with a free flow of drinks and icecream =x no wonder kim likes that place(she drinks, and drinks, and.. drinks.. =x i think the shop is gonna make a lost if she goes there everyday =x lucky she dun work there haha =p) Well, we sat at the shop and started chit chatting and talking about other ppl that we might know in IJC/Riverside and about bad dark secrets that everyone seems to tell Nisha =x anyways, we sat there for about 2hrs+++ before heading home =x

And, here i am blogging this cos someone keeps complaining that i never blog so.. heres for you! =p

Sotong ♥ Fish =p Hugs =p

.Sunday, December 7, 2008 ' 8:40 PM
Sotong and Fish??

Finally i was bored and decided to come back and update a new post.. =x

Well, lots have happened and lots have been forgotten since my last post but i shall talk about e most recent event that happened. =x

On Sat, we went to Dina's house! well.. it was, fun? in a way.. haha.. as in dun really have had such exp b4 so it was new n fun? but hm, we cooked curry (actually yh did everything -.-) and so had a great meal thereafter b4 we started to play e console where we played silent hill for a while -.-( it was a darn boring game =x)

after that, we went to eat e completed curry and SF started playing threads of fate while everyone else juz watched him play.. well it was not bad since there were some comical char but soon everyone got sleepy=x i think its the aircon n curry combination =x

so after we stopped threads of fate, we played a round of.. munchkin!
its quite a fun and unpredictable game, that needs some thoughts before playing but well..
they called me scheming =x
haha.. and i won! =p anyways, i wouldnt mind spending a day like tat, but not too often? =x munchkin is strenous to e mind n soul =x

after the game, we left her house n went home.. guess thats all that happened =x signing off! =p

.Thursday, November 27, 2008 ' 7:55 AM
Sotong and Fish??

Well, to start it off, its the fourth day since my mum n sis went to hongkong.. =x

me and my dad have been having trouble deciding what to eat for dinner daily.. so today, well, i prepared rice while we ordered other stuff like soup from downstairs to eat =x

and today, although i stayed at home e whole day, i couldnt maple much, cos.. well lots of ppl asking me to dota =p so i guess its a gd thing haha =p

btw, i guess some ppl reading this might hate maple, but i found it ok lei? the idea n movement.. only thing is that its kinda irritating too, with some rude ppl playing as well as the lvling? =x well.. i guess this is how a bored man feel.. maybe if i let kim try and hear her opinion den see how? =x

anyways, i dun really know wad to write now >_< signing off =p

.Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ' 5:46 PM
Sotong and Fish??

hm.. morning whoever is reading this.. =x juz came back from shop n save.. went downstairs to stock up some food as well as grab breakfast =x

bought drink and some munchies(how to spell?) =x

oh well.. when i was returning home, at the elevator, i met 2 people, probably aged 50+?
they were trying to move an old washing machine to the disposing area, so i was like thinking, "ah well, nth to do while waiting for the life might as well help out?"

so i went and asked if they needed help, laid down my food beside the floor and proceeded to pick up the washing machine. When i picked it up, its not that heavy but it had poor grip so my fingers kinda hurt haha.. but well nth much happened after that and i went home and here i am blogging it -_-'' well.. if anything else pops up i will be back to post again.. till then.. signing off. =x

. ' 2:25 AM
Sotong and Fish??

O_o..?? Whew.. first ever post on blog -.- dun really know why am i making a blog.. maybe its just to let my dear be happy that i got a blog so that she can spam or read? O-o?? well.. nth really happened today except for playing the com(as usual) -.- i feel like i am going mad.. haha.. talking to myself in this blog n such >_<..

Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad

hm.. hungry..>_< mum's overseas so no one really buy food back.. maybe i should just go downstairs and grab some biscuits up to restock the house huh.. =x see how ba.. =p adios

The blogger :)

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